Title of the article:



Viktor V. Bychkov

Information about the author/authors

Viktor V. Bychkov — DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Goncharnaya St., 12-1, 119019 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: iph@iph.ras.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 44


Pp. 143–158


February 05, 2017

Date of publication

June 15, 2017

Index UDK


Index BBK



Art, as a concentrated expression of aesthetic experience in a form that is perceived by the senses and is artistically significant, ideally is an event of leading up a primed recipient to a harmony with the Universe. In the course of this event the recipient acquires a new value, new knowledge, is nourished by new spiritual energy and ascends to alternative, non-trivial levels of being. A consequence of a realization of the event of art is aesthetic pleasure that the recipient experiences. Such understanding of the metaphysical meaning of art is relevant to any genuine art. However, contemporary avant-garde and modernist art practices in the majority of cases reject this understanding, and therefore their classification as belonging to the sphere of art is problematic.


art, harmony, image, aesthetic pleasure, contemporary art, creativity, aesthetic value.


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