Title of the article:



Natalia A. Drovaleva

Information about the author/authors

Natalia A. Drovaleva — Senior Researcher, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya St. 25 а, 121069 Moscow, Russia; Post-graduate Student at the Department of Theory of Literature, Philological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory 1, bld. 51, 119991 Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1095-2991. E-mail: n.drovaleva@mail.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 57


pp. 72-85


April 29, 2020

Date of publication

September 28, 2020



Index UDK

008+ 821.161.1.0

Index BBK

71 + 83.3(2Рос=Рус)53 + 85


This paper focuses on the visual component in the edition of V. Ia. Briusov’s novel “The Fiery Angel” published in the author’s lifetime (1909). It aims to characterize Briusov’s work with verbal and graphical aspects while creating the novel viewed as a synthetic, two-sided entity, in which the appearance and structure are fused with its actual contents. The idea of mutual enrichment of literature and visual arts was one of the key ideas in the artistic vision of writers of the 20th century. It was the artistic amalgam that they sought, which allowed them to organically develop it into an entirely new technique and the language they needed to embody their new vision of the world and further their understanding of the artistic process. By analyzing the particularities of the images that Briusov introduced in this edition and the meticulous work he conducted portraying characters in the text, the author comes to a conclusion that the involvement of various materials allowed the writer to use “material metaphors” to start a polylogue with the text considering the multitude of styles, themes and emotions. Both consciously and subconsciously Briusov connects the features of “languages” of various arts, thus paving the road to a new organic form of art, about which he wrote in the article, dedicated to K. D. Balmont’s poetry “Let Us Be Like the Sun!”.


synthesis of arts, publishing, symbolism, printing, costume, V. Ia. Briusov, “The Fiery Angel”.


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