Title of the article:



М. М. Yanshina

А. М. Upine

N. A. Korobtseva

I. N. Savelyeva

Information about the author/authors

Maya M. Yanshina — Associate Professor, Orenburg State University, 13 Pobedy Ave 13, 460018 Orenburg, Russia. E-mail: yanshina.maiya@mail.ru

Anastasia M. Upine — DSc of Arts, Moscow State Institute of Culture, Bibliotechnaya St. 7, 141406 Khimki, Russia. E-mail: upine@yandex.ru

Nadezhda A. Korobtseva — DSc of Engineering, Professor at the Department of Design of a costume, Kosygin Russian State University (Technologies. Design. Art), Sadovnicheskaya St. 33/1, 117997 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: rrr-home@yandex.ru

Irina N. Savelyeva — PhD of Technical, DSc of Art History, Professor, Yablochkova 36, Apt. 75, 127322 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: home@yandex.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 53


pp. 269–283


November 29, 2018

Date of publication

September 28, 2019

Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper delivers a brief characterization of physicomechanical properties of down (size of a cross-section of separate fiber, color, the ability of fibers to form dense substance) and highlights their influence on the aesthetic and operational properties of products. The authors present the results of laboratory studies of the felt samples, confirming the expediency of using goats` down in the design of clothing for various purposes. As an example of designing felt clothes, a collection of children's clothes is considered with a detailed description provided. The paper suggests theoretical and methodological model for the design concept of Orenburg`s down-knitting products in the process of designing collections of clothes with the use of the Orenburg breed goats` down. It also introduces a full review of the author's collection of products, for which a theoretical and methodical model of the design concept has been tested. The author's collection is evaluated in terms of compliance to the basic compositional and design features of the traditional products of Orenburg down yarn knitting trades with the use of a theoretical and methodological model of the design conception of products of Orenburg region down knitting trades. The paper concludes by revealing such a compliance of the collection to the Orenburg traditions.


clothing design, Orenburg down yarn knitting works, art, and design analysis, a theoretical and methodological model of the design concept of products of Orenburg down knitting works. 


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