is a logical hierarchical system of library bibliographic classification, which is widely used in the world. It was developed in 1895-1905's in the International bibliographic Institute in Brussels under the direction of Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine.
UDC is an indispensable element of the edition information. According to GOST 7.4-95 it should be put in the upper left corner of the title page.
(The definition is given according to: Milchin & A. E. Publishing Dictionary - Directory: [the electronic edition]. 3-e issue., rev. and enlarged, M: OLMA-Press, 2006. URL: http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/milchin (date of access: 09.01.2014).
GOST R 7.0.7-2009 «System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Articles in journals and collections. Publisher's presentation» requires that the UDC index of articles and reviews with their own names is put before the information about the authors.
Information about UDC can be found here: teacode.com/online/udc or udk-codes.net.

1. It is a combinational system of library classification of publications developed for the organization of library funds, systematic catalogues and card indexes.
GOST 7.4-95 include the LBC indexes into basic elements of the publishing information, i.e. it is compulsory, and requires place at the back of the title page of publications on the top under the index of UDC (as a separate line) and in the layout of the annotated catalogue cards.
Due to the changes in state, political and public life of Russia LBC has been entirely redesigned. In 1997, the publishing house «Libereya» has issued a book «Library-bibliographical classification: worksheets for public libraries» as the supplement to the journal «Librarian». They are the source of the indexes of this system, which should be placed at the back of the title page of publications and in the layout of the annotated catalogue cards.
Since 2003 the publishing house «Libereya» has been producing «Additions and changes to the worksheets for public libraries» as separate numbered issues. These issues have replaced the extracts from 1997 edition and are mandatory for all publishing houses and organizations.
2. It is any system of classification used in libraries and bibliographic activities for systematization of editions available in the library or included in the bibliographic booklets. It is done in accordance with the logical hierarchy of concepts accepted in this system, and it is used for the distribution of publications (their descriptions) by devisions (classes), their subdivisions (subclasses), groups, subgroups, etc.
(The definition is given according to: Milchin & A. E. Publishing  Dictionary - Directory: [the electronic edition]. 3-e issue., rev. and enlarged, M: OLMA-Press, 2006. URL: http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/milchin (date of access: 09.01.2014).
Information about LBC can be found here: http://lib.luguniv.edu.ua/filial/download/total/BBK.pdf