Title of the article:



Oleg V. Kasheev

Valeria Ya. Golovko

Information about the author/authors

Oleg V. Kashcheev — PhD in Psychology, Professor, A. N. Kosygin Russian State University, Sadovnicheskaya St. 33, bld. 1, 115035 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ovk-mgudt@rambler.ru

Valery Ya. Golovko — fourth-year student, A. N. Kosygin Russian State University, Sadovnicheskaya St. 33, bld. 1, 115035 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: leragoal@gmail.com


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 52


pp. 83–91


February 26, 2019

Date of publication

June 28, 2019

Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper`s primary focus is on how social media and networks such as Instagram have developed and the possibility of identifying their impact on society and cultural environment. It also explores the historical frame of reference of the very term “media” as mass-communication tool. Analysis of the levels of media development as mass-communication tools makes it possible to conclude that social network Instagram develops as a media-element. This network`s content, uniting visual and textual messages, represents creolized text and, therefore, essentially is a multimedia data exchange. The authors involved a retrospective analysis of Instagram`s evolution substantiating the reasons for changes in its work over the past few years. It allowed conclusion that today Instagram became competitor to such social networks as YouTube and Facebook which in its turn allows authors to state the fact that due to such a dynamic audience building Instagram exerts a significant impact on people`s social life and society`s culture. Now it is fair to say that Instagram represents an integral part of the societal culture having sway over social conscience, culture, political and economical aspects of the modern society. Furthermore the study reveals functions this social network as a cultural phenomenon is performing. Functional analysis of its photo and text editor resulted in concluding on insufficient development of the latter in terms of actual platform and non-compliance with requirements of modern users, which eventually, may affect the performance of the social network, up to reducing the level of its impact on society.


culture, media, social media, Instagram, creolized text.


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