Title of the article:



Galina A. Pozhidaeva

Information about the author/authors

Galina A. Pozhidaeva — DSc in Arts, Professor, M. S. Shchepkin Higher Theater School (Institute) under The State Academic Maly Theatre of Russia, Neglinnaya St. 6/2, Build. 1–2, 109012 Moscow, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0675-3228
E-mail: pozhidaeva.galina@yandex.ru


History of Art




Vol. 69


pp. 366–378


March 28, 2023

Approved after reviewing

April 26, 2023

Date of publication

September 25, 2023



Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper shows the composer's work appeal to serious and significant topics related to the historical and spiritual life of the people of Russia, both in the past and today.

Typical artistic images of folk culture and the national nature of the musical language make it possible to qualify the composer’s work as the mainstream of “new folklore wave” of the 50 – 70s of the 20th century through to the 90s and enriching it with folk-instrumental genre. The leading instrumental form in the composer's work becomes a symphony, a concerto - which applies to the principles of genre and epic symphonism. Particular emphasis should be placed on the importance of the spiritual mentality of the Russian people and their musical and liturgical culture The organic fusion of the music of folk life and the high spiritual culture of Holy Rus' allows us to take a fresh look at the composer's work. It brings a new quality to the “new folklore wave”, revealing, along with a genuine folklore stream, a deep Orthodox faith concealed from the official direction of socialist realism, preserved among the people despite all prohibitions and persecution. In the work of V. Pozhidaev, the ancient layers of folk and Christian musical culture are connected in an original way. The depth of the content, the organicity of the folk and professional, expressed by modern means — all this gives rise to a surprisingly original musical world, full of kindness and illuminated by the inner light.


“New Folklore Wave”, New-sacred Music of Russia, Ancient Layers of Folk and Christian Musical Culture in Modern Interpretation.


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