Title of the article:



Olga S. Davydova

Information about the author/authors

Olga S. Davydova — PhD in Art History, Leading Research Fellow, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts, Prechistenka St., 21, 119034 Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6834-3291. E-mail: davydov-olga@yandex.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 61


pp. 317–332


January 10, 2021

Date of publication

September 28, 2021



Index UDK


Index BBK



This paper was performed as part of the work on the project “Remembering Dreams. The Symbolist Aspects of the Visual Poetics of Art Nouveau” according to the “State scholarship for outstanding figures of culture and art of Russia and for talented young authors of literary, musical and artistic in 2020” (Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, recommendation of the Association of Russian Art Critics).


The paper aims to analyze the creative “laboratory” of a talented symbolist artist Viktor Dmitrievich Zamirailo, whose art is associated with the development of original features of Russian modernism. Due to the tragic circumstances caused by Soviet ideology, as well as the irrational nature of poetics of the master’s work, Zamirailo’s legacy is poorly studied, but extremely rich in literary and philosophical associations, at the turn of the 20th century. His imaginative world, full of chivalry dreaminess, allows revealing internal (spiritual) sources of the formation of an idealistic system of symbolist thinking, which found its original reflection in the works of such aesthetically close to Zamirailo contemporaries as M. A. Vrubel, A. N. Benoit et al. The paper focuses on the albums with sketches by the master from the collection of the State Russian Museum, unique in their creative potential, for the first time analyzed by the author. Albums allow us to comprehend the individual logic of the Zamirailo iconographic system, as well as to understand the general laws of the fantasy of imaginative illusions of symbolist artists.


Russian art of the late 19 – the first third of the 20th century, Symbolism, Art Nouveau, Modernism, Victor Zamirailo, Poetics, Iconography, Iconology, Synthesis of Arts.


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