Title of the article:



Galina I. Shlyakhova

Information about the author/authors

Galina I. Shliakhova — post-graduate student, Maxim Gorky Institute of Literature and Creative Writing, Tverskoy blvd 25, 123104 Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6618-4074 E-mail: galine_24@mail.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 63


pp. 208–220


May 03, 2021

Approved after reviewing

September 15, 2021

Date of publication

March 28, 2022



Index UDK

821.161.1.0 + 81-26

Index BBK



The paper highlights the development of mental semantics in polysemic words in Igor Severyanin`s poetry. The vocabulary of the mental sphere is studied by Russian and foreign scientists, specialists in the field of semantics and related disciplines, since it is through its use that the worldview of nations and their representatives, native speakers, is reflected in language. Frequent use of a word’s figurative mental meaning in language makes such a lexico-semantic variant (LSV) commonplace, and leads to the fixation of this new seme in the explanatory dictionary. However, fictional (especially poetic) speech is characterized by greater variability of meanings. Via the author's word use in poems, words that do not have a common mental meaning develop a new semantics existing in a specific context. Severyanin is a poet who assigns an important place to the mental sphere vocabulary in his works, which makes them quite illustrative. Some words that do not have a mental seme according to their dictionary meanings acquire it in context and turn out to be the author's means of artistic expression and semantic neologisms. In a number of other cases, the opposite phenomenon is observed: in the context lexemes lose their usual mental meaning.


mental sphere words, lexis, semantics, polysemy, figurative meaning, semantic fields, individual style, linguopoetics, language of fiction, Igor Severianin.


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