Title of the article:



Marina N. Tsvetaeva

Oksana V. Gubareva

Information about the author/authors

Marina N. Tsvetaeva — DSc in Culturology, PhD in Arts, Associate Professor, Professor, the St. Institute of Cinema and Television, Pravdy St., 13, 191119 St. Petersburg, Russia.
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7826-4039
E-mail: mtsvetaeva@rambler.ru

Oksana V. Gubareva — PhD in Culturology, Senior Researcher, Russian Institute of Art History, St. Isaac's Sq., 5, 190000 St. Petersburg, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6700-4714
E-mail: oxania@list.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 64


pp. 255–269


May 20, 2021

Approved after reviewing

September 15, 2021

Date of publication

June 28, 2022



Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper examines theoretical foundations of the Russian culture and art, for which the authors propose the term “theology of secular art”. This approach acts as an organic analytical view of the past of Russian culture, which opens up the prospect of its development in the future. Using the example of Russian art at the turn of the century, the authors talk about the issues of the ideal, the search for the highest truth, and God-seeking as the key ones, showing that at any stage, even when art seems to completely turn away from God in his Christian understanding, it does not ignore the problems of spirituality and God-seeking. The authors call these critical moments the key ones, metaphorically defining them as a “descent into hell”, necessary to discern the stages of God-making and God-fighting that have Christian origins. In the same theological vein, the study highlights the peculiarities of the national psychologism of the Russian culture of the 19th–20th centuries on the example of the portrait and landscape genre. Therefore, the ontological meaning of the works, their main distinguishing feature is connected with the reflection of spiritual life, the relationship between man and God. The systematic theological approach to secular Russian culture, based on the principle of integrity and Christian trichotomy, most fully reflects the genesis of its cultural and religious meanings, the spiritual and aesthetic continuity of its development, the complex movement towards Truth and utopias.


Knowledge of God, God-fighting, ontology, spiritual and bodily integrity, “iconicity”, “antiikona”, “disembodication”, soteriology, image, primordial Image, arch. Sophronius Sakharov.


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