Policy of a journal
Informational journal of research «Vestnik Slavianskikh kul’tur [Bulletin of Slavic Cultures]» seeks to publish the most influential up-to-date papers in the sphere of Slavic cultures. The distinguishing feature of the journal is its unique content which can’t be met in other existing editions, as it is based on the concept of Slavyanorossika. Slavyanorossika is the idea of complex perception of history and culture of Slavic countries in close connection with the history and culture of Russia, while generally in Slavic research the non-Russian Slavic cultures are considered separately from Russia. This concept was developed in FGBOU VPO «the State Academy of Slavic Culture».
The situation of inter-Slavic relations grew complicated at post-Soviet period when Ukraine and Belarus became independent Slavic countries. The new theories of Slavic cultures and new approaches to their history were developed, and they showed great difference with the theories and views of Soviet period. It’s concerned with both past and modern history. The activities of our journal, where the Ukrainian authors take an active part, help to harmonize a modern situation, to establish fruitful dialogue and to exchange topical information. Thus, the journal is not only of scientific and informational importance, but it also performs an important social, international and political function for the benefit of Russia and all the Slavic world. The journal publishes the papers by the authors from all Slavic and non-Slavic countries.
The second feature of the journal is that it isn't a narrow focus journal from the point of view of its structure. The culturological issues in it are considered alongside with the philosophical, historical, philological and art questions, what corresponds to columns of the journal and to the branches of learning, which are lectured and studied in the Federal state institution of of higher professional education «State Academy of Slavic Culture», where the prominent experts of mentioned spheres are working. There are specialists from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of the World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and from others notable educational and scientific institutions. Complex and integrated approach which combines methods of different disciplines makes the the journal unique and singles it out from others journals, which are more specialized. Without belittling them, it should be noted, that in this case differential method of strictly specialized editions is compensated and complemented by integrated approach, which is also productive in both scientific and educational activity.
The international editorial council and editorial board of the journal consist of competent specialists including DSc of Philosophy, History, Philology, Art history and Culturology and also PhD of mentioned studies.
The journal is also aesthetically attractive point. The author of the cover design is the Professor of the Academy V. E. Guseva. There are colourful plates inside the journal, which illustrate articles about architecture, painting, restoration of art monuments, thanks to this the journal renders not only verbal, but also non-verbal information.
According to the rules, accepted in the modern scientific journals, there are abstracts, key words and bibliographical lists to all papers in Russian and in English. Information about the authors in Russian and in English, reviews and overviews of scientific and cultural events is presented.
In a whole, the journal performs its scientifically-informational function. Its authors are not only noted Russian and foreign scholars, but also postgraduate students from different countries, who are about to defend their theses. The quality and high standard of the journal «Vestnik Slavianskikh kul’tur [Bulletin of Slavic Cultures]» is positevely appreciated by such noted scientists as DSc of Philosophy V. V. Bychkov (The Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences), DSc of Philology A. S. Demin (The Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences), DSc of Philology V. A. Voropaev (Moscow State University), DSc of Geography V. I. Gusarov (The Academician of the International Academy of Informatization), DSc of Philology G. M. Prohorov (Pushkin House), DSc of Philology U. A. Labyntsev, PhD of Philology E. C. Uzeneva, PhD of Philology T. I. Chepelevskaja and others, including those specialists who are published in our journal.
In prospect, it is planned to improve the journal as for its content and design, to invite noted Russian and foreign authors, to introduce new columns, including those which can be the basis for discussion, to inform the readers about modern achievements in the sphere of Slavic studies, Slavyanorossika, Culturology, Philology, Philosophy, History, Art history, which are considered in a single sociocultural context of the Slavic world, which includes Russia.