Title of the article:



Liana V. Popova

Information about the author/authors

Liana V. Popova — PhD in Culturology, Senior Lecture, Department of Philosophy, State University of Management, Ryazansky Avenue 99, GU-404, 109542 Moscow, Russia.

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9766-7535

E-mail: pliana@mail.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 70


pp. 290–301


February 19, 2023

Approved after reviewing

June 06, 2023

Date of publication

December 25, 2023



Index UDK


Index BBK



S. Eisenstein considered editing the main semantic element of the film. S. Eisenstein and A. Tarkovsky attached importance to intra-frame editing, time inside the frame. According to A. Tarkovsky, cinema is a “captured time”. He attached great importance to the “atmosphere” of the film, which arises in time. In his opinion, the director, creating a film, cuts off everything unnecessary from the “block of time”, so there should be no time gap between the gluing. A. Tarkovsky considered the chronicle an ideal form of cinema. A. Tarkovsky is considered to be a representative of “poetic”, “poetic-picturesque”, “poetic-documentary” cinema. Echoes of poetic cinema are visible in “Ivanovo Childhood”, but after A. Tarkovsky spoke about the danger of “poetic cinema”, which consists in the fact that it gives birth to symbols, allegories that have nothing to do with the imagery inherent in cinema. Editing cinema, Tarkovsky believed, sets riddles and puzzles for the viewer, makes him enjoy allegories, appeals to the intellectual experience of the viewer. At the same time, each of these riddles has an accurate guess.
S. Eisenstein believed that any cinema is editing. A. Tarkovsky did not consider editing to be the main formative element of the film. Time as a form is closest to a musical work, therefore, to create a full-fledged film drama, you need to study the form of musical works: fugues, sonatas, symphonies, etc. The main formative element of the film A. Tarkovsky considered the rhythm, which is composed of temporary tension within the frames. He considered the question of time to be the main and cornerstone.


S. M. Eisenstein, A. A. Tarkovsky, A. P. Dovzhenko, S. I. Freilich, V. V. Ivanov, cinema, editing, rhythm, time, atmosphere.


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