Title of the article:

PAGAN MANIFESTATION OF THE 21st CENTURY (2022: Results and Prospects) Article I.


Roman V. Shizhensky

Information about the author/authors

Roman V. Shizhensky — PhD in History, Assistant Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Religious Studies “North-West”, The Higher School of Philosophy, History and Social Sciences, Baltic Federal University, Chernyshevskogo St. 56A, 236022 Kaliningrad, Russia; Associate Professor, The Department of Political Sciences, The Institute of International Relations and World History, Lobachevsky State University, Ulyanova St., 2, 603005 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8765-2241

E-mail: heit@inbox.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 70


pp. 26–37


March 06, 2023

Approved after reviewing

May 13, 2023

Date of publication

December 25, 2023



Index UDK


Index BBK



This research was supported by funds via Russian Federal Academic Leadership Program “Priority 2030” at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.


Modern Slavic paganism is in a stage of constant development, continuous transformation. Since the first ideologues of the movement appeared (in the last third of the 1970s) the Soviet, and subsequently the Russian new paganism has managed to build intra-communal hierarchies, organizational ties of all-republican and international scale. Most pagan communities now have their own mythology, including cosmogony, theogony and end-of-the-world concepts. The leaders of the associations formulated and tested the festive-ritual system, the author’s concepts (utopias), revealing the views of young pagans on political and socio-economic development within and outside the existing state. Special attention should be paid to the new pagan “fashion”: specially developed branded clothing, narrowly specialized “ethno-mythological” tattoo, catalogs of protective (amulet) products.
Despite the presence of the listed elements, allowing to consider the modern paganism from the position of the established world-outlook system, external and internal challenges oblige carriers of pre-Abrahamic religiosity to turn to the search for solutions in terms of “non-stop” timing. This paper is based on the analysis of the answers of ideologues and leaders of a number of pagan groups, considers forecasts, prospects for the development of Slavic religious nativism in the near future by 2022


Modern Slavic Paganism, Manifestation, Leader, Survey, Communities, Range of Problems, Perspectives.


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