Title of the article:



Vjacheslav V. Savelov

Information about the author/authors

Vjacheslav V. Savelov — Lecturer, Russian State University for the Humanities, GSP-3, Miusskaya Sq., 6, 125993 Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3457-6051. E-mail: VVSavelov@yandex.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 61


pp. 252–267


January 21, 2021

Date of publication

September 28, 2021



Index UDK


Index BBK



Based on two only lifetime publications, the paper examines the history of Yu. A. Sidorov`s (1887–1909) perception and discussion of ideas of the “mystical anarchism”. In the almanac Chrysopras (1906) Sidorov published two poems that were obviously influenced by the slogans of this movement. I study parallels between these debut poems and the texts of authors related to the movement, in particular, between the poem Dreamer, you sent a revelation to the world… and Georgy Chulkov's article On the confirmation of personality (1906). The study proves that a number of young writers (not only Yu. Sidorov, but also V. Grigoriev, E. Kazakov) were striving to declare their solidarity with slogans of the moment on the pages of the almanac Chrysopras, ideologically close to the Moscow Vesy. In the second lifetime publication, his review (Russkaya Mysl, 1, 1909) on the book of essays by Chulkov The Cover of Isis (1908), Sidorov showed new sharply critical and subverting attitude to the movement. I try to find the reason for Sidorov's new skeptical position to these principles and slogans. The paper showed it to be the poet’s disappointment with the results of the 1905–1907 revolution and his turn towards monarchist sentiments, with subsequent support of the ideology within symbolism that was promoted by the Moscow magazine Vesy. The author pays particular attention to the parallels between Sidorov's polemic attacks against Chulkov and similar invectives against him by the Vesy magazine collaborators (Zinaida Gippius, Andrey Bely, Boris Sadovskoy, etc.)


Yuri Sidorov, Georgy Chulkov, Mystical Anarchism, journal “Vesy,” Revolution of the 1905–1907th years, Russian Symbolism, literary polemic.


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