Title of the article:



Vera V. Filicheva

Information about the author/authors

Vera V. Filicheva — PhD in Philology, Researcher, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom), Russian Academy of Sciences, Makarova Emb. 4, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2942-4846
E-mail: lntfmd@rambler.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 68


pp. 235–248


February 14, 2022

Approved after reviewing

September  20, 2022

Date of publication

June 28, 2023



Index UDK


Index BBK



The study looks at the period of F. Sologub's entry into literature, especially the time of the first book editions (“Poems. Book One”, “Heavy dreams”, “Shadows. Stories and poems”). The process of forming the literary reputation of F. Sologub in 1896–1898 was chosen as the subject of consideration. The history of the publication of the first collection of poems as one of the most significant moments of literary biography reflects the orientation towards a particular audience and allows us to assess the vector of perception of creativity which is given to criticism by the writer himself. The revealed archival materials and the bibliographic searches carried out make it possible to more fully evaluate the perception of the first collection of F. Sologub, as well as the participation and role of the writer in distributing books and popularizing his name in the periodicals. Having published the first collection of poems, Sologub sent out copies through Russian editorial offices of magazines and newspapers for review. According to the list of periodicals, it may be assumed that the writer targeted the provincial reader. However, Sologub did not receive the expected response, because he was identified as a representative of the emerging decadent trend, which was attacked in 1895 after the publication of the “Russian Symbolists” collection.


F. Sologub, Literary Reputation, First Collection, Criticism, Provincial Reader, Literary Geography, Bibliography.


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