Title of the article:



Alla L. Usanova

Information about the author/authors

Alla L. Usanova — DSc in Arts, Associate Professor, Altai State University, Dimitrova St. 66, 656049 Barnaul, Russia. E-mail: alla_leo@mail.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 51


pp. 277–288


January 26, 2017

Date of publication

March 28, 2019

Index UDK


Index BBK



Historically, since the beginning of the nineteenth century, the formation and development of the architectural image, artistic life of Barnaul, in contrast to many Siberian cities, is closely connected with the direct and indirect influence of the cultural capital of Russia — St. Petersburg (Leningrad). Industry inconsistencies came to be traditionally characteristic for the study of the artistic space of a provincial city. However chronological or territorial localization, widespread in contemporary art history, allows one to explore the formation of artistic institutions when examining individual phenomena of the artistic culture of the region and to discuss their influence in various aspects of urban life. The paper deals with the interaction between capital and provincial artistic culture in Siberian provincial city in chronological order, determining the models of influence characteristic for each historical epoch of Barnaul ― from the mining past to the industrialized center of Western Siberia in the second half of the 20th century. The author pays particular attention to the architecture of Barnaul, town planning practice as a key factor in the shaping of the artistic space of the city, elaborates on the historical role and importance of vertical and horizontal cultural ties in the process of creating artistic institutions and urban cultural construction.


art space, city, capital, province, history of architecture and art of Siberia.


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