Title of the article:



Ekaterina I. Yakushkina

Information about the author/authors

Ekaterina I. Yakushkina — PhD in Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 1, 119991 Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0052-1338. E-mail: jkatia@yandex.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 59


pp. 281–293


May 29, 2020

Date of publication

March 28, 2021



Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper undertakes an analysis of vocabulary of the village Gospodjinci (Voyvodina, Serbia), collected with the help of questionnaire of the “Serbian Dialect Atlas” project (about 400 questions). This dialect belongs to the Shumadiya-Voyvodina dialect, which represents the basis of the Serbian literary language, and the vocabulary of this dialect is quite similar to a literary vocabulary (dialectisms make up 5%). Most of the identified dialectisms are also common outside of the Voyvodina. The lexical corpus under study is also compared with the vocabulary of another Shumadiya-Voyvodina dialect — the dialect of Bela Crkva in North-Western Serbia. With 27% of the answers of questionnaires from two villages differing, 10% are partly varying (in one dialect one word is used whereas in the other — two words). In some cases lexical differentiation between the Gospodjinci dialect and Bela-Crkva dialect reflects common Serbian synonymy. Some of the differential lexemes are important from the geo-linguistic point of view and oppose the dialects of Voyvodina to some of the Serbian dialects: pevac — petao ‘rooster’, verenica -zaručnica ‘bride’, zmija — guja ‘snake’, pule — magare ‘donkey’ etc. Lexical isoglosses allow us to conclude that the area of Voyvodina may be included in both Western and Eastern Serbo-Croatian areas.


Serbian language, dialect lexicology, Voyvodina, geolinguistics.


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