Title of the article:



Amir A. Khisamutdinov

Information about the author/authors

Amir A. Khisamutdinov — Central Scientific Library, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 690000 Vladivostok, Russia, 100 years of Vladivostok Avenue, No. 159.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org /0000-0002-8228-7513  
E-mail: khisamut@tahoo.com


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 68


pp. 59–67


January 18, 2022

Approved after reviewing

June 09, 2021

Date of publication

June 28, 2023



Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper describes the study of the Russian population in the Far East, which was carried out by the famous traveler Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenyev (1872–1930). At the first stage, his research was of a military purpose with elements of ethnography, aimed at the defense of the Russian Far East. After 1917, Arseniev dealt with the problems of the indigenous inhabitants of the region, as well as activities related to the settlers. His publications on Slavic studies are based on travel diaries and field reports on the results of expeditions (1906-1926). The first monograph on the Russian population was the “Military-geographical and military-statistical essay of the Ussuri Territory” (1911), the last “Life and Character of the Peoples of the Far Eastern Territory”, prepared in collaboration with E. I. Titov (1928). In some cases, his assessments are subjective. The publication notes scientists and local historians who were engaged in the same research and were in close relations with Arsenyev (local historian S. I. Yakovlev, Russian historian M. A. Petrakeev, anthropologist E. M. Chepurkovsky, ethnographers M. K. Azadovsky, G. S. Vinogradov, V. V. Bogdanov and A. G. Danilin, philologist A.P. Georgievsky). The publication uses the personal library and archival collection of the scientist, stored in the Society for the Study of the Amur Territory (OIAK) in Vladivostok. The paper is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of V. K. Arsenyev, which is celebrated in September 2022.


V. K. Arseniev, Slavic studies, Far Eastern anthropology, ethnography, exploration, economics.


1. Argudjaeva Ju.V. V. K. Arsen'ev — puteshestvennik i jetnograf. Russkie Priamur'ja i Primor'ja v issledovanijah V.K. Arsen'eva. Materialy i kommentarii [V. K. Arseniev is a traveler and ethnographer. Russian Priamurye and Primorye in the studies of V. K. Arseniev. Materials and comments]. Vladivostok, DVO RAN Publ, 2007. 272 p. (In Russian).

2. Arsen'ev V. K. Naselenie Dal'nego Vostoka kak proizvoditel'nyj faktor [The population of the Far East as a productive factor]. Pervaja konferencija po izucheniju proizvoditel'nyh sil Dal'nego Vostoka: Tez. dokladov. Habarovsk, 1926, 106 р. (In Russian).

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4. Arsen'ev V. K. Predislovie [Foreword]. Jakovlev S. I. Brat'ja Hudjakovy: Dal'nevostochnye rasskazy. Vladivostok, Knizhnoe delo, 1928, 101 p. (In Russian).

5. Arsen'ev V. K. Russkoe naselenie [Russian population]. Arsen'ev V. K. Voenno-geograficheskij i voenno-statisticheskij ocherk Ussurijskogo kraja 1901-1911 gg. Habarovsk: shtaba Priamur. voen. Okruga Publ., 1911. VI, 324 p.; 2 l., tabl.; pril. 38 kart. (In Russian).

6. Arsen'ev V. K. Jekonomicheskaja zhizn' Dal'nego Vostoka [Economic life of the Far East]. Izdanie Dal'ne-Vostochnogo kraevogo jekonomicheskogo soveshhanija. Habarovsk, 1925, no 2 (Fevr.), pp. 74–78. (In Russian).

7. Arsen'ev V. K., Titov E. I. Byt i harakter narodnostej Dal'nevostochnogo kraja [Life and character of the peoples of the Far Eastern Territory]. Vladivostok, Kn. Delo Publ., 1928. 83 p., il. (In Russian).

8. Bogdanov V. Kitajcy v Ussurijskom krae. Habarovsk [The Chinese in the Ussuri Territory]. Jetnograficheskoe obozrenie. 1915, no 1–2, pр. 152 - 154. (In Russian).

9. I-ch. Pisateli, uchenye i zhurnalisty na Dal'nem Vostoke za 1918–1922 gg. [Writers, scientists and journalists in the Far East in 1918–1922] Vladivostok, «Svobodnaja Rossija» Publ., 1922, 72 p. (In Russian).

10. «Knigi, bez kotoryh ne mogu rabotat'»: Lichnaja biblioteka V. K. Arsen'eva ["Books I Can't Work Without": Personal Library of V.K. Arseniev], Sostavitel' M. M. Shherbakova i dr. Vladivostok, OIAK Publ., 2004. 375 p.: il. (In Russian).

11. Tarasova A. I. Vladimir Klavdievich Arsen'ev [Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1985. 344 p.: il. (In Russian).

12. Tarasova A. I. Shhedrost' — uzhe talant (pis'ma 1913, 1928–1929) [Generosity is already talent (letters 1913, 1928-1929]. Problemy Dal'nego Vostoka. 1990, no 1, pp. 153–157. (In Russian).

13. Hisamutdinova N. V. A. P. Georgievskij — odin iz zachinatelej arhivnogo dela v Primorskom krae [A. P. Georgievsky is one of the founders of archiving in Primorsky Krai]. Otechestvennye arhivy. 2009, no 1, pp. 11 — 15. (In Russian).

