Title of the article:



Tatiana K. Savchenko

Information about the author/authors

Tatiana K. Savchenko — PhD in Philology, Professor of the Department of World Literature, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, State Institute of Russian Language, Akademika Volgina St. 6, 117485 Moscow, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1230-5624
E-mail: t.k.savchenko@gmail.com


Philological sciences




Vol. 69


pp. 189–202


December 21.12. 2022

Approved after reviewing

April 12, 2023

Date of publication

September 25, 2023



Index UDK


Index BBK

83.3(2Рос=Рус) 6


The paper looks into the specificities of poetic intonation in Sergey Yesenin’s poems. Yesenin’s making as a poet took place in the Silver Age of Russian literature, which explains a syncretism of arts in his work. This concerns primarily a synthesis of poetry and music. The study focuses on poems from the “Persian motifs” cycle and a “short poem” “My Way” (“Moy put”). In songlike poems an intonational component, being the dominant one, finds its realization in the poem’s syntax. The analysis of the poems’ melody allows us to detect numerous chorus variations, which order the verses and underline their melodic cohesion. Melodic harmony is visible on the semantic as well as on the intonation and syntactic levels, including the composition, while alliterations and assonances account for the harmony of sound instrumentation of the poems. The paper also studies facture, an important concept which closely concerns the intonational component. The facture character of Yesenin’s poems is made up of the specificities of the metrics and rhythm, compositional-stylistic and rhythmic-intonational devices, pauses, stresses, author’s punctuation, etc.


Sergei Yesenin, poetic intonation, Melodics, Texture of Verse, “Persian Motifs” Poem Cycle, “My Way”.


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