Title of the article:



Ludmila А. Maksimenko 

Information about the author/authors

Ludmila А. Maksimenko, PhD in Philosophy, Docent, Omsk State Medical University, Lenina St., 12, 644099 Omsk, Russia; Omsk State Agrarian University, Institutskaya Sq., 1, 644008 Omsk, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4779-7411
E-mail: msw60@yandex.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 67


pp. 77–94


July 21, 2021

Approved after reviewing

January 28, 2022

Date of publication

March 29, 2023



Index UDK


Index BBK



The relevance of the present research is determined by the ambiguity of understanding the issue of “one's own-another's” in relation to the boundaries of the world defined by the native language. Suppose that “any language can be learned in such a way” that we will not need translation and will be able to “think in this language” [7, p. 448]. However, will it be the same as in Russian? Is it possible to master a foreign language by making it your own? The paper suggests looking at the “wars of languages” as the idea of Noomachia (deep “war of minds”) and tries to find its traces. The author discovers the grammatical features of the Russian and English languages and interprets them as their own logos structures of languages. They manifest themselves in syntax (chaos vs order), in the way a person speaks the world (statement vs sentence), in the difference between the philosophical limit of possessiveness (“linguistic property vs obedience”) and “grammatical centers” (verb vs noun). They express ontological and philosophical-anthropological and socio-cultural aspects of mental linguistic differences and metaphysically conflicting combinations of Logos of Noomachia. Russian is dominated by Dionysian and Apollonian, in English — Apollonian and Cybelic, which is reflected in the psycho-emotional constitution of Russians and Englishmen and cultural and linguistic norms. English is the “language of time”, Russian is the “language of space”. Russian language and mentality are qualitative, English is quantitative. Language “carries” some, others are its “carriers”. English reduces being to existing material things, Russian — breaks through to the being. The scale of these differences is so great that it allows their interpretation in terms of the speculative hypothesis of Noomachia in relation to the sphere of language.


Language, Mentality, Logos Structure, Culture, Ontology, Being.


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