Title of the article:



Alexey V. Shapovalov

Information about the author/authors

Alexey V. Shapovalov — Graduate Student, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 1, bldg 51, 119991 Moscow, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3230-3682
E-mail: omeganom@yandex.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 65


pp. 256–268


July 31, 2021

Approved after reviewing

March 20, 2022

Date of publication

September 28, 2022



Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper addresses rhetorical questions and exclamations in East and West Slavic historical narration of 11–12 centuries, showing that in the Russian Primary Chronicle rhetorical questions and exclamations were used to strengthen the assessment of the chronicle fragments for new ideology formation of the Ancient Rus’. The combinations of original and borrowed statements in the rhetorical figures indicate the orientation of the Old Russian chroniclers following the Byzantine pattern to the biblical rhetorical tradition. On the contrary, there are practically no quotations in rhetorical questions and exclamations in the West Slavic chronicles. Thus in the Chronica Bohemorum rhetorical figures are often combined with various expressive means and can relate not only to the content, but also to the form of the narrative, including being inside the phrase and being stable expressions. The same features are true for the Gesta Principum Polonorum, in which rhetorical figures are less often correlated with expressive means, and their expressive component is more clearly manifested. The author comes to the conclusion, that actualization of narrative subjectivity by means of rhetorical questions and exclamations is a common feature of the sources under consideration, that allows better understanding the worldview and tasks of medieval history scribers.


Rhetorical Question, Rhetorical Exclamation, Russian Primary Chronicle, Chronica Boemorum, Gesta Principum Polonorum.


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