Title of the article:



Lubov V. Nedostupova

Information about the author/authors

Lubov V. Nedostupova — PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, The Department of Russian Language and Intercultural Communication, Voronezh State Technical University, Moskovsky Ave. 14, 394026 Voronezh, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1978-4725
E-mail: nedostupowa2009@yandex.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 68


pp. 249–265


October 15, 2021

Approved after reviewing

August 1, 2022

Date of publication

June 28, 2023



Index UDK


Index BBK



This study presents an ethnolinguistic view of one of the components of the family cycle of rural folk culture. The purpose of this paper is to represent the long-term preparation and components of a wedding dowry, which was considered traditional at the beginning and middle of the 20th century in the village of Vysokoye Talovsky District, Voronezh Region, and to describe the corresponding vocabulary. The research included following methods: interviewing, observation, description and analysis. During the survey, it was found that everything related to the girl's village property reflects the original views and attitudes of the local residents of their time. They prove a certain conservatism of the values of the wedding ceremony of the last century. The scientific essay shows in detail the integral parts of the inheritance to be transferred to the marrying woman: furniture, interior items, bedding, clothes and shoes. The composition of the dialect is represented by common, outdated, colloquial, vernacular and dialectal lexemes. The novelty of the research owes to the fact that it describes for the first time a peculiar set of the bride's dowry in a small village society, which has no analogue distribution in nearby settlements. The practical significance of the study is that it introduces interesting ethnographic and dialectal materials demonstrating tradition in its original manifestation in the Russian outback.


Wedding Dowry of the Bride, Lexical Units, Tradition, Language, Folk Culture.


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