Title of the article: |
Author(s): |
Gyulnara A. Gasanova |
Information about the author/authors |
Gyulnara A. Gasanova — PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Baku Slavic University, Suleyman Rustam St. 33, Аz 1014 Baku, Azerbaijan. E-mail: gjulnara-gasanova@rambler.ru |
Section |
Philological sciences |
Year |
2020 |
Volume |
Vol. 55 |
Pages |
pp. 125–137 |
Received |
January 07, 2019 |
Date of publication |
March 28, 2020 |
DOI: |
10.37816/2073-9567-2020-55-125-137 |
Index UDK |
821.161.1 |
Index BBK |
83.3(2Рос=Рус)52 |
Abstract |
Study of the issue of interaction of literatures and clarification of their mutual enrichment patterns are among the most important tasks of comparativistics. The reception is carried out through creative rethinking and “adoption” of the achievements of foreign literatures. Azerbaijani literature has risen to a new level of artistic development thanks to creative mastery of Russian culture traditions. Drawing upon the vast and diverse heritage of Russian classics, Azerbaijanian writers found certain aspects and elements consonant with the problems of modern times and instrumental when solving their creative tasks. By learning from the experience of Russian literature and synthesizing it, they expanded artistic horizons (in terms of style, genre, issues) while relying on their own literary traditions. The subject of paper is determined by the need of studying the originality of Azerbaijani reception of Tolstoy`s heritage and thus of contributing to a fuller picture of perception and functioning of his works in a foreign literary context and cultural environment. The study highlights Tolstoy's role in development of the national prose, for instance, Azerbaijani novel, and reveals his influence on the worldview and creative attitudes of novelists. Tolstoy's traditions, methods and principles found their artistic interpretations within the national — epic, historical, social and psychological and philosophical — novel (Yu. Chemenzeminli, M. Ordubadi, S. Ragimov, M. Guseyn, M. Jalal, Abulgasan, M. Ibragimov and others). Exploring of inexhaustible source of the Russian classic`s heritage enriched the Azerbaijani prose with the new ideas and images. Present research promotes deeper understanding of reception of the Russian writer`s works by the Azerbaijani art consciousness and expands our perceptions about cross-cultural art dialogue. |
Keywords |
L. Tolstoy's creativity, reception, national novel, school of skill, fruitful influence, interpretation of traditions, inexhaustible source. |
References |
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