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Title of the article: The national creative intellectuals as the main human resource in preservation of culture of the North
Author(s): IGNATIEVA S. S.,
Section: Philosophy and Culturology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 2 (32)
Pages: 93-100
Index UDK: 13.07
Index BBK: 71.0
Abstract: The consequences of globalization which promotes unification and standardization of the world community are considered by the authors. They defend expediency of forming of the concept of identity of «the people», revealing its regional and/or national specifics. The authors prove that the basis of culture of the people of the North is made by special outlook and spiritual unity which are penetrated by the idea of life in harmony with the Nature, and they were developed in the course of adaptation to extreme climatic conditions. The authors analyze the present stage of cultural development of the Northeast of Russia in detail, acknowledging that the traditional culture of the people of the North is preserved in three main forms: in the form of the original (authentic) folklore performed by certain experts and carriers of tradition; in the form of the organized creativity of the amateur groups; in the form of folklore elements in works of professional art. The special place in the article is devoted to the role of educational institutions (in particular, the Arctic state institute of culture and arts - ASICA) as the bases for system education and spiritual formation of new generation of the creative intellectuals, its outlook and value priorities. Three basic principles: 1) the studio principle of training specialists for the North regions, 2) the principle of correct use of ICT for the sake of preservation and advance of traditional culture in electronic form, 3) the principle of continuity of culture and art development in the system «kindergarden - school - higher education institution» are considered by authors with reference to their development and their realization by the staff of the university educational institution within the Programme of mass art education of children and youth of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
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