Title of the article:



Osipova, E.A.

Information about the author/authors

Elena A. Osipova — DSc in Philology. A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya St., 25a, bldg. 1, 121069 Moscow, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2626-3848
E-mail: osipovv@rambler.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 72


pp. 188–197


May 31, 2023

Approved after reviewing

April 20, 2024

Date of publication

June 25, 2024



Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper deals with the first literary and scholarly responses about Serbs that appeared in Russian periodicals, memoirs and travel notes in the first quarter of the 19th century. A considerable part of these materials concerned Montenegro, the most exotic Serbian province, known for its struggle against the Turks. The main impetus to the description of Serbs in Montenegro was the interest of Russian authors to the folk poetry and patriarchal morals of the Slavs, co-religionists with Russia, who admired travelers for their military valor and heroic struggle against the Turks. The words of the Russian officer, writer V.B. Bronevsky, who, with the squadron of Vice-Admiral D.N. Senyavin took part in the combat operations of the Russian fleet in the Mediterranean, are quite noteworthy. Speaking of his desire to describe the life and manners of the Serbs, he writes of them as a people “by origin and faith, so close to us, and by devotion, love and zeal for Russia, all the more worthy of my compatriots' attention”.
The peculiarity of such materials is that the description of historical and cultural realities, the mention of certain designations and names are given in accordance with the general level of scientific knowledge about the foreign Slavs in the specified period. For this reason, there are terminological discrepancies and inaccuracies in dates and names. Meanwhile, the above-mentioned works and memoirs of Russian scholars and writers laid the foundation for a more thorough study of Slavs, which began in Russia in the following decades.


Serbs, Montenegro, Travel Notes, Vuk Karadzic, Serbian Folk Poetry, Heroism.



1 Bantysh-Kamenskii, D.N. Puteshestvie v Moldaviiu, Valahiiu i Serbiiu D.B.K. [Travel to Moldova, Wallachia and Serbia D.B.K.] Moscow, Gubernskaia tipografiia A. Reshetnikova Publ., 1810. 192 p. (In Russ.)

2 Bronevskii, V.B. Zapiski morskago oficera, v prodolzhenii kampanii na Sredizemnom more pod nachal'stvom Vice-Admirala Dmitriia Nikolaevicha Seniavina ot 1805 po 1810 god. Chast' pervaia [Notes of a Naval Officer, in the Continuation of the Campaign in the Mediterranean under the Command of Vice Admiral Dmitry Nikolaevich Senyavin from 1805 to 1810. Part One] St.Petersburg, Morskaia tipografiia Publ., 1818. 328 p. (In Russ.)

3 Golgota Mitropolita Crnogorsko-Primorskog Јoanikiјa 1941–1945 [Golgotha Metropolitan Joanikije 1941–1945], [priredio] Velibor Џomiћ. Cetine, Svetigora Publ., 1996. 413 p. (In Serbian)

4 D.M. Kniazhevich. Nekrolog [Obituary]. St. Petersburg, Printing House of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1844. XXIV p. (In Russ.)

5 Zhiteli oblasti Montenegro ili Chernogorcy [Residents of the Montenegro Region or Montenegrins]. Vestnik Evropy, vol. XX, no. 7, 1805. pp. 240–249. (In Russ.)

6 Karamzin, N.M. Istoriia gosudarstva Rossiiskogo: 12 t.: v 3 kn. [The History of the Russian State: 12 vols.: in 3 books], book 1, vol. I–IV. Moscow, Olma-Press Publ., 2004. 700 p. (In Russ.)

7 Karadžić Vuk Stefanović Zhivot i obichaјi naroda srpskoga. Beograd, Narodna kniga Publ., 2005. 332 p. (In Serbian)

8 Nadezhdin, N.I. Rod Kniazhevichei [The Knyazhevich Family]. Odessa, Gorodskaia tipografiia Publ., 1842. 102 p. (In Russ.)

9 Preis, P.I. O epicheskoi narodnoi poiezii serbov. Torzhestvennyi akt SPb universiteta [About the Epic Folk Poetry of the Serbs. The Solemn Act of St. Petersburg University]. St. Petersburg, [s. n.], 1845. 24 p. (In Russ.)

10 Smes'. Markov, E.M. “Neskol'ko slov o Chernogorcah. (Otryvok iz pis'ma k M.N. Makarovu)” [“A Few Words about the Montenegrins. (Excerpt from a Letter to M.N. Makarov)”]. Vestnik Evropy, no. 9, 1817, pp. 72–74. (In Russ.)

11 Smes'. Makarov, M.N. “(Pis'mo k Redaktoru V<estnika> E<vropy>)” [“(Letter to the Editor of the Bulletin of Europe)”]. Vestnik Evropy, no. 9, 1817, pp. 72–73. (In Russ.)

12 Tomić, Bozhidar “Filip Višnjić — Zhivot, pojava i duhovne osobine.” Zbornik u slavu Filipa Višnjića i narodne pesme. Beograd, Izdane odbora za proslavu Filipa Višnjića Publ., 1935. 269 p. (In Serbian)

13 Turoverov, N.N. “Vozvrashhaetsia veter na krugi svoi…”: stihotvoreniia i poiemy [“... And on its Circuits The Wind Returns...”: Verses and Poems], ed.-comp. B.K. Riabuhin. Moscow, Hudozhestvennaia literatura Publ., 2010. 414 p. (In Russ.)

