Title of the article:



Yuliya V. Shevchuk

Information about the author/authors

Yuliya V. Shevchuk — DSc in Philology, Director of Research, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya St., 25А, bldg. 1, 121069 Moscow, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3784-2100
E-mail: julyshevchuk@yandex.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 74


pp. 59–69


April 29, 2024

Approved after reviewing

August 15, 2024

Date of publication

December 29, 2024



Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper analyzes the poems by I.F. Annensky from the third part of the book “The Cypress Casket”. The subjective organization of the poet's lyrics is considered in the context of his philological reflections and literary and critical works. One of the main author`s tasks is to discover and comprehend the forms of lyricism in the “Scattered Sheets” cycle. “The Cypress Casket” is an artistic experiment by a poet and a philologist. The discoveries of the comparative historical and psychological schools of Russian literary criticism had a great influence on Annensky's intellectual poetry. The paper argues that in the final poetic book, the author reflected the mental and spiritual life of a contemporary who does not take anything for granted, in the knowledge of the world based on direct impressions and sensations. In a situation of intense struggle of the subject with his own consciousness, it is the sense of the thing and the sense of language which are of importance for him. In “Scattered Sheets” Annensky seeks to strengthen the “subjective” component of the word. The poet is interested in the borderline states of consciousness in which the subject's thought exists between understanding and intuition. Language becomes a form of lyricism, not of confessional, suggesting the direct word of the hero about what is in his soul, but indirect one — reflected in sounds, intonations, rhythms, words, interrupted remarks. In some forms, Annensky's lyricism is perceived as literally intersubjective, expressed by the polyphony of voices.


I.F. Annensky, “The Cypress Casket”, Psychologism, Tragedy, Lyricism, Lyrical Subject, Sound, Rhythm, Word.


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