Title of the article:



Murashova, N.S. 

Information about the author/authors

NatalIa S. Murashova — DSc in Culturology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Viluiskaya St., 28, 630079 Novosibirsk, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2373-7622
E-mail: 2107542@mail.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 72


pp. 232–253


December 05, 2023

Approved after reviewing

May 29, 2024

Date of publication

June 25, 2024



Index UDK

75.04/05 + 2

Index BBK



Basing on a review of about 300 works created in the 18th – first third of the 20th centuries, the study presents a chronological and genre-thematic panorama of the development of the Old Believer trend in Russian fine art. It includes portraits, architectural landscapes, historical, genre paintings, book illustrations and sketches of theatrical scenery. The portrait genre is represented by commissioned works depicting real personalities and portrait types reproducing collective images of a diverse Old Believer community. Architectural landscapes captured key Old Believers locations — Vygoleksinskoe community, Rogozhskoye and Preobrazhenskoye cemeteries in Moscow, Pustozersk, Kerzhenets, Karelian necropolises. Historical painters came to the attention of such events as the presentation of new books by Patriarch Nikon, the rejection of newly printed books by Solovetsky monks, a dispute about faith in the Faceted Chamber, and the persecution of Old Believers. A special place is occupied by the images of Boyaryna Morozova and Archpriest Avvakum. Genre painting reflects the way of life of the Old Believers and its connection with the religious picture of the world.
Over the course of two centuries, there was a formation and development of interest in the Old Believer theme, which found expression in enriching the genre palette and increasing the number of authors. About 60 artists showed interest in the Old Believers. A special contribution was made by M. Mylnikov, F. Solntsev, V. Perov, S. Miloradovich, V. Surikov, M. Nesterov, F. Malyavin, I. Kulikov, I. Goryushkin-Sorokopudov, B. Kustodiev, V. Kuznetsov, V. Plotnikov. In graphic and pictorial works, Old Believers act as bearers of national culture, adherents of their native antiquity.


Old Believers, Russian Fine Art, Portrait, Portrait-type, Architectural Landscape, Old Believers Historical Genre, Genre Painting, Portrait-painting.



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