Title of the article:



Varvara E. Dobrovolskaya

Information about the author/authors

Varvara E. Dobrovolskaya — PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Department of General and Slavic Art Studies, The Institute of Slavic Culture, The Russian State University (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Khibinsky Pass., 6, 129337 Moscow, Russia.
ORСID ID: htpps://orcid.org/0000‑0002‑2346‑7493
E-mail: dobrovolska@inbox.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 74


pp. 115–130


July 17, 2024

Approved after reviewing

August 18, 2024

Date of publication

December 29, 2024



Index UDK


Index BBK

82.3 (2)


This paper examines the female performing tradition of one family of Cossacks- Nekrasovites. The study of the fairy tale tradition is usually based on records from one family member. Such a storyteller usually mentions the sources of his repertoire, one of which is the fabulous legacy of older relatives. In this case, we can only guess what exactly the storyteller had borrowed from the repertoire of the older generation, what artistic techniques and features of the performing manner he learned from his predecessors. There are generally few recordings from storytellers of the second half of the twentieth century, and only in rare cases do we have recordings of parents or older relatives of our performers at our disposal. Such recordings not only allow us to analyze the features of the family fairy-tale repertoire and performing manner of storytellers of the same family, but also to see the changes taking place with the fairy tale. This study focuses on the tradition of storytelling in the Bokachev family. Fairy tales were passed from A.M. Bokacheva to her youngest daughter A.T. Pushechkina and granddaughter from the eldest daughter E.K. Gulina. The work reveals the features characteristic of the family manner of storytelling, and the features inherent in each of the storytellers. Despite referring only to the one source of the repertoire, a number of changes has been recorded both in a performing manner and in the repertoire of the younger generation of the family.


Fairy Tale, Performing Tradition, Nekrasov Cossacks, the Personality of the Storyteller, Sources of the Fairy-tale Repertoire.


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