Title of the article:



Podmaskin, V.V. 

Information about the author/authors

Vladimir V. Podmaskin — DSc in History, Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushkinskaya St., 89, 690001 Vladivostok, Russia.
ORCID ID: https//orcid.org/0009-0007-2669-9103
E-mail: podmaskin@yandex.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 72


pp. 269–284


February 08, 2023

Approved after reviewing

March 03, 2024

Date of publication

June 25, 2024



Index UDK

390 (=941.112)

Index BBK

63.3 (2)


The study deals with the historical and cultural ties of Russians with indigenous peoples of the North. Basing on the actualization, structure and identification of elements of traditional values, the author highlights regional features appealing to musical and choreographic creativity. Due to adoption of the civilizational approach in explaining historical reality, this direction turns out to be the most promising. The ethnic history of a people is a complex and multifaceted process. Each nation, as a rule, lives surrounded by others, with whom it enters into a wide variety of contacts, including socio-economic, political, cultural, domestic and family and marriage. There is a process of ethnic mixing, changes in anthropological types and the complication of the anthropological composition of the ethnic group, with borrowings in the economy, spiritual culture and language and certain changes occuring in the social and family way of life, etc. All this, along with other reasons, contributes to the development of the economy and the leveling of spiritual culture, shaping mentality of the ethnic group. A higher level of Russian culture, in terms of stages development, turned out to be dominant in the system of ethno-cultural communications. The paper shows that under the influence of Russian culture, musical and choreographic creativity of the indigenous peoples of the region has enriched and proved itself significantly, and has become known to many countries and peoples of the world.


Russians, Indigenous Peoples of the North, Intercultural Interaction, Borrowings, Musical and Choreographic Creativity, Amateur Performances and Academic Song and Dance Ensembles, the Russian Far East.



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