Title of the article:



Klimenko, J.G.

Information about the author/authors

Julia G. Klimenko — DSc in Architecture, Professor, Moscow Institute of Architecture, Rozhdestvenka St., 11, bldg. 4, 107031 Moscow, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0009-4898-4591
E-mail: istarh@markhi.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 72


pp. 41–51


June 07, 2023

Approved after reviewing

May 07, 2024

Date of publication

June 25, 2024



Index UDK


Index BBK


Acknowledgements: The Research was carried out in accordance with the Plan of Fundamental Scientific Research of the Ministry of Construction of Russia for 2023 (topic


The Moscow ensemble of the Main Pharmacy was built in the first decade of the 18th century and turned out to be one of the most remarkable buildings in Russia. The new construction attracted attention due to the location between the Nikolsky Gates of the Kremlin, the Resurrection Gates of Kitay-Gorod and the Berg Office of the Mint. The architecture of the building successfully combined the best traditions of ancient Russian architecture with the techniques of Western European building art and elements of oriental decoration. Polychrome volumetric tiles played special role in the design of the multi-tiered main facade. These ceramic inserts formed the platband frames, order details, friezes, cornices and other elements. According to the state programs of Peter I for the development of the pharmacy business, special attention was paid to the new building, and contemporaries called the erected Pharmacy “one of the best in the world”. The experience of creating the ensemble and the appearance of the building influenced the character of the new parade construction of the public architecture of St. Petersburg. This explains the interest in the study of the building, which was lost in 1874. In order to understand and visualize the changes in the state of the building, its graphic reconstructions of different historical stages were carried out. The presented digital models reflect not only the external solution of the facades, but also the arrangement of the internal layout.


Architecture, Planning, Ceramic Decor, Scientific Reconstruction, Digital Visualizations.



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RSAAA — The Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts. Moscow.

TsGA Moscow — Central State Archive of Moscow. Moscow

