Title of the article: |
Author(s): |
Nikolay N. Gubanov |
Information about the author/authors |
Nikolay N. Gubanov — DSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradsky Ave., 49, 125299 Moscow, Russia. Bauman Moscow State Technical |
Section |
Theory and history of culture |
Year |
2024 |
Volume |
Vol. 74 |
Pages |
pp. 9–21 |
Received |
February 21, 2024 |
Approved after reviewing |
June 1, 2024 |
Date of publication |
December 29, 2024 |
DOI: |
https://doi.org/10.37816/2073-9567-2024-74-9-21 |
Index UDK |
130.2 |
Index BBK |
74.1 |
Abstract |
To formulate the problem the paper points out that the emergence and subsequent institutional formation in Russia of such a new research direction as “intellectual history” makes it necessary to create a complete, coherent concept of intellectual activity that would give clear answers to the following questions: Who are intellectuals? Thanks to what and how are they united into special collective unities? What are the main sociological and cultural characteristics of intellectual communities? The study examines the definition of intellectuals given by the recognized specialist in intellectual history R. Collins, and identifies the directions in which it needs further clarification and development. The above issues are solved by the author within the model he proposes for the formation of intellectual communities through the participation of their members in systematic and organized production of the new rational knowledge. The three conceptual foundations of the study`s proposed approach are: the theory of communicative action of J. Habermas; the theory of intellectual networks and interactive rituals by R. Collins; the procedural theory of rationality developed in the author's previous works. In the final part of the paper intellectuals are treated as a special social group characterized from the point of view of the sociological canon presented by P.A. Sorokin in his “System of Sociology”. The grouping of intellectuals is elementary, different from other elementary groupings, such as professional, state, etc., not reducible to them and capable of cumulating with them into complex social unities. |
Keywords |
Intellectuals, Intellectual History, Rational Knowledge, Procedural Theory of Rationality, Broadly Understood Principle of Sufficient Reason. |
Reference |
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