Title of the article:



Rogotnev, I.Yu.

Information about the author/authors

Ilia Yu. Rogotnev — PhD in Philology, Lecturer, Perm State University, Bukireva St., 15, 614068 Perm, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7053-6180
E-mail: rogotnev05@mail.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 72


pp. 25–40


December 12, 2023

Approved after reviewing

June 01, 2024

Date of publication

June 25, 2024



Index UDK


Index BBK

83.3(2=411.2)52-8Салтыков-Щедрин М.Е,43 + 66.1(2)522-8


The research is to find out the basic features of Mikhail Saltykov’s political thought and to describe it in terms of political criticism of culture. The survey of academic literature on Saltykov shows that any assigning of this writer to one or other sociopolitical parties of his period is problematic: Saltykov does not align to any program of social reforms, rather exploring the thinking subject in political reality. Saltykov’s works do not imply the transmission of ideological meanings, but rather a critique of public ideology. It seems important, however, to take into account the party orientation of Saltykov’s readership: the satirist addresses to a reading community that perceives democratic and egalitarian ideas with sympathy. Analysis of Saltykov’s texts involved a number of categories of political hermeneutics — dichotomies: ideology / philosophy, classical thought / non-classical thought, exoteric / esoteric. The material for the analysis are two satirical tales: “Crucian Carp the Idealist” and “The Sensible Hare”, which are considered similar in genre to the “menippea” of F.M. Dostoevsky. In “Crucian Carp the Idealist” a conflict is revealed between classical and non-classical philosophical approaches; the esoteric plane of the text illustrates the triumph of “Machiavellian” position. In “The Sensible Hare” one can identify a dispute between an ideologist and a political philosopher; paradoxical, in the context of Saltykov’s democratic declarations, is that the ideologist`s position is occupied by the oppressed (slave), and the position of the political philosopher, that is, the subject seeking truth, is taken by the master. The paper concludes with a reflection on metaphysical contour of Saltykov’s political thought: the political theology of the Russian satirist is focused on the eschatological moment as a resolution of political conflicts.


Saltykov-Shchedrin, Political Philosophy, Hermeneutics, Menippea, Ideology.



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