Title of the article: |
Author(s): |
Olga. А. Rasheva, Irina V. Vinichenko, Olga V. Revyakina |
Information about the author/authors |
Olga. А. Rasheva — PhD in Technology, Associate Professor, Omsk State Technical University, Mira Ave., 11, 644050 Оmsk, Russia. |
Section |
History of Arts |
Year |
2024 |
Volume |
Vol. 74 |
Pages |
pp. 310–322 |
Received |
April 24, 2024 |
Approved after reviewing |
September 10, 2024 |
Date of publication |
December 29, 2024 |
DOI: |
https://doi.org/10.37816/2073-9567-2024-74-310-322 |
Index UDK |
7.02+677.027 |
Index BBK |
85.125.3+37.230.5 |
Abstract |
The revival and preservation of artistic techniques for the design of textile materials are one of the urgent tasks of our time. It seems important not only to restore and preserve the lost knowledge, but also to modify and integrate it into modern life, culture and fashion. With the development of industry, manual labor was replaced by machine labor, minimizing the elements of creativity in the production of fabrics, and the appearance of synthetic dyes led to a sharp reduction in natural ones. The relevance of this work lies in the increasing interest in textile design using natural coloring pigments as an environmentally friendly component in the technological chain of finishing production. This is due not only to the deteriorating environmental situation in the world, but also to the attention to unique products created with the help of botanical dyeing. The paper provides a brief overview of the historical formation of the dyeing craft in Russia, a survey of current research and development in the field of textile design. The study also involves displaying the results of a practical experiment on coloring and finishing natural textile materials with natural dyes. |
Keywords |
Textile Design, Dyeing, Natural Dyes, Mordant, Botanical Decoration, Ecoprint, Fashion, Clothing. |
Reference |
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