Title of the article:



Darya A. Zaveljskaya

Information about the author/authors

Darya A. Zaveljskaya — PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Institute of Slavic Culture, A.N. Kosygin Russian State University (Technology, Design, Art), Khibinskiy Pass., 6, 129337 Moscow, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1783-7080
E-mail: daralzav@gmail.com


Philological sciences




Vol. 74


pp. 146–155


May 22, 2024

Approved after reviewing

June 22, 2024

Date of publication

December 29, 2024



Index UDK


Index BBK



The author examines some specific artistic features of E.L Schwartz's play “The Treasure”, created back in the period when he was not a storyteller playwright. However, his contemporaries, including writers, critics and theatrical figures, used to find in the work features that bring the work closer to a fairy tale. Noting these responses, it is worth carefully considering the principles of creating the artistic world of the play, largely based on romantic motives and the romantic tradition of “Caucasian text” and “Caucasian myth” in Russian literature. Using these concepts, one may analyze in the work key elements of the romantic artistic model and its transformation, taking into account the children's audience and the peculiarities of the era. The study pays special attention to the creation of a conditional artistic world in which specific geographical signs are combined with the “historical” surnames of ordinary heroes and generalized elements of local color. In particular, the peculiar use of “Cossack” images and motifs is of certain interest. A Cossack named Ivan the Terrible embodies the image of a mysterious and frightening hero yet friendly to the wild nature. The chairman of the collective farm performs a folklore Cossack song, where the highlander Ali bek is named ataman. A hypothesis is put forward about a possible analogue of such a song, which Schwartz could have heard when he lived and studied in Maykop, and then used as a basis for stylization.


Schwartz, Caucasus, Caucasian Text, Caucasian Myth, Drama, Romanticism, Tradition, Literary Model.


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