Title of the article: |
Author(s): |
Mukhtar Ya. Yakhyaev, Andrey F. Polomoshnov |
Information about the author/authors |
Mukhtar Ya. Yakhyaev — DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences, Dagestan State University, M. Gadzhieva St., 43A, 367000 Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, Russia. Andrey F. Polomoshnov — DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Department of Economics, Philosophy and Social Disciplines, Don State Agrarian University, Krivoshlykova St., 24, 346493 Settlement Persianovsky, Oktyabrsky Dist., Rostov Region, Russia. |
Section |
Theory and history of culture |
Year |
2024 |
Volume |
Vol. 74 |
Pages |
pp. 22–34 |
Received |
February 21, 2023 |
Approved after reviewing |
May 30, 2024 |
Date of publication |
December 29, 2024 |
DOI: |
https://doi.org/10.37816/2073-9567-2024-74-22-34 |
Index UDK |
304.2 |
Index BBK |
71.4(2) |
Abstract |
The present paper analyzes the issues of theoretical reconstruction of the modern socio-cultural type based on the methodology of empiricism. The methodology of empiricism is based on studies of the modern cultural and anthropological identity of Russians by means of sociological research, while the logic of empirical inductive generalization serves as a general logic of the method of sociological reconstruction. Five groups of fundamental problems of this methodology are identified: the problem of the reality of the object under study, the problem of the dynamics of the object under study, the problem of effective means and methods for studying the real cultural and anthropological identity of Russians, the problem of the correlation of mass ideas (stereotypes) and the real qualities of the Russian cultural and anthropological type, technical problems of opinion polls. On the example of the experience of studying the portrait of a Soviet person by the Yu. Levada group, the authors demonstrate that the fundamental limitations of the empirical methodology for studying the cultural and anthropological identity of Russians cannot be overcome within the methodology of empiricism. Due to the limitations of the latter the paper proposes to supplement it with a general conceptual model of national cultural and anthropological identity, based on the principles of consistency, concreteness, determinism. The research substantiates that the empirical methodology does not deal with the immediate subject of research — the national cultural and anthropological identity, but with the respondents» mass ideas about this identity. As a result, empirical methodology does not provide an objective holistic portrait of a national cultural anthropological type, but only its sociological self-portrait. As the authors suggest, perhaps more effective in the study of Russian cultural and anthropological identity could be another empirical approach based not on sociological surveys, but on methods of empirical observation of the behavior of some typical representatives of modern Russian society. |
Keywords |
Cultural and Anthropological Identity, National Character, Sociocultural Personality Type, Soviet People, Russian Cultural and Anthropological Type, National Stereotypes. |
Reference |
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