Title of the article: |
Author(s): |
Ekaterina V. Baydalova |
Information about the author/authors |
Ekaterina V. Baydalova — Research Fellow, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Ave., 32A, 119334 Moscow, Russia. |
Section |
Philological sciences |
Year |
2024 |
Volume |
Vol. 74 |
Pages |
pp. 196–208 |
Received |
June 09, 2024 |
Approved after reviewing |
September 22, 2024 |
Date of publication |
December 29, 2024 |
DOI: |
https://doi.org/10.37816/2073-9567-2024-74-196-208 |
Index UDK |
82.09 |
Index BBK |
83.3 (4Укр) |
The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation under the project 24-28-00403 “Representation and overcoming the traumatic experience of the national past in the literatures of Central and Southeastern Europe (the last third of the 20th – early 21th centuries)”. |
Abstract |
The paper examines strategies for overcoming traumatic experiences in the space of Ukrainian culture based on the novel by O.S. Zabuzhko “Field research of Ukrainian sex” (1996). This is a landmark and significant work of Ukrainian literature of the late twentieth century, which addressed many previously taboo topics in Ukrainian culture and touched on some “painful points” of national history. The focus of the novel is not so much the heroine’s failed relationship with her beloved man, as rather her search for her own identity (gender, national, generic, creative), which becomes successful only as a result of overcoming the traumatic experience of the past and present, personal and national. The heroine will be able to become equal to herself, on the one hand, by putting down on paper her thoughts, feelings, parts of poetry and memories, on the other hand, by completely immersing herself in her childhood, remembering and overcoming her childhood traumas associated both with the totalitarian past of the country and with the overly protective behavior of the father, violating all conceivable and inconceivable personal boundaries. It was childhood trauma that caused the heroine to develop a type of dependent personality, which she is trying to change by telling her story. The author concludes that the Ukrainian culture at the turn of 21th century witnesses the emerging of the following strategy for overcoming national historical traumas: “working through” personal trauma by repeating a traumatic situation, verbalizing it through the work of art and, accordingly, “appropriating” this trauma by national culture, then analytical work with cultural texts in scientific discourse as a necessary component of nation’s self-knowledge. |
Keywords |
Zabuzhko, Ukrainian Literature, National Trauma, Identity. |
Reference |
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