Title of the article: |
Author(s): |
Denis G. Viren |
Information about the author/authors |
Denis G. Viren — PhD in Philosophy, Senior Researcher, Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Ave., 32A 119334, Moscow, Russia. |
Section |
History of Arts |
Year |
2024 |
Volume |
Vol. 74 |
Pages |
pp. 279–289 |
Received |
May 07, 2024 |
Approved after reviewing |
July 10, 2024 |
Date of publication |
December 29, 2024 |
DOI: |
https://doi.org/10.37816/2073-9567-2024-74-279-289 |
Index UDK |
791.43/.45 |
Index BBK |
85.373(4)/85.373(8) |
The research is financially supported by Russian Science Foundation, RSF. Project no. 22-18-00365 Semiotic Models in the Cross-Cultural Space: Balcano-Balto-Slavica. Available at: https://rscf.ru/en/project/22-18-00365/ |
Abstract |
The paper reveals the history of making of the film “On the Silver Globe” (1977/1988) by the Polish-French director A. Żuławski. Great hopes were placed on this film as an innovative science fiction blockbuster, the likes of which had never been seen before not only in Polish but also in the world cinema, but a year after the start of filming, it was stopped, and the director was forced to leave Poland. Why did this happen? The author begins by examining the literary source — “The Lunar Trilogy” by J. Żuławski, written in the early 20th century, but has not lost its relevance either in the 1970s or today. The second part of the study outlines the situation in Polish cinema at the beginning of the production of “On the Silver Globe”, highlights the main plot differences between the film and the novel, and identifies the most important directorial finds and poetic features. Finally, an answer is given to the question of the reasons for stopping the filming. Then, the author provides and analyzis of the documentary film by K. Mikurda “Escape to the Silver Globe” and an attempt to understand why in recent years Żuławski’s film has been rediscovered and rethought. |
Keywords |
Polish Cinema, Andrzej Żuławski, Science Fiction, Aesthetics of Film Adaptation, Censorship. |
Reference |
Balabukha, A. “V pepel’nom svete Luny…” [“In the Ashen Light of the Moon”]. Zhulavskii, Je. Lunnaia trilogiia: Romany [The Lunar Trilogy: Novels]. St. Petersburg, Severo-Zapad Publ., 1993, pp. 721–733. (In Russ.) Burov, A.M. “Plasticheskii risunok jevropeiskogo kinoiskusstva nachala XXI veka” [“Plastic Image of European Cinematography of the Early 21st Century”]. Plasticheskoje myshlenije v zhivopisi, arkhitekture, kino i fotografii [Plastic Thinking in Painting, Architecture, Cinema and Photography], ed. by O.A. Krivtsun. Moscow; St. Petersburg, Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ Publ., 2019, pp. 258–306. (In Russ.) Volobujev, V. Stanislav Lem — svidetel’ katastrofy [Stanisław Lem — Witness of the Catastrophe]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2023. 728 p. (In Russ.) Majmurek, Jakub “Utopie, dystopie, ucieczki. Surrealizm i polskie kino fantastyczne.” Dzieje grzechu. Surrealizm w kinie polskim, ed. by K. Wielebska, K. Mikurda. Kraków; Warszawa, Korporacja Ha!art Publ., 2010, pp. 164–189. (In Polish) Mikurda, Kuba “Zagadki srebrnego globu.” Pleograf. Kwartalnik Akademii Polskiego Filmu. No. 4. 2018. Available at: https://akademiapolskiegofilmu.pl/pl/historia-polskiego-filmu/artykuly/z-warsztatu-zagadki-srebrnego-globu/654 (Accessed 30 November 2024). (In Polish) Wojtczak, Mieczysław O kinie moralnego niepokoju... i nie tylko. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Studio Emka Publ., 2009. 472 p. (In Polish) Zajiček, Edward Poza ekranem. Polska kinematografia w latach 1896–2005. 2nd ed., rev. Warszawa, Stowarzyszenie Filmowców Polskich, Studio Filmowe Montevideo Publ., 2009. 370 p. (In Polish) |
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