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Title of the article: Paradigmatic basis of the Russian religious and philosophical Renaissance
Author(s): LIMONCHENKO V. V.
Section: Philosophy and Culturology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 2 (32)
Pages: 73-83
Index UDK: 1 (091) (470) “18/19”: 281.9
Index BBK: 83.3 (4 РУС) 5
Abstract: Philosophical thought of the Silver Age is considered to be the analytics discourse of the person with Orthodoxy as an ontological-existential base, which leads to the expansion of the range of human experience. On this basis the various options of comprehension of primary experimental evidence are implemented - the vision of the current state of the unrighteousness of man and the world, with their deep rootedness in Truth, Goodness, Beauty. In the works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky we find the experience of metaphysical evidence which is a starting point for creating philosophical concepts of such anthropological orientation. It is a rather peculiar metaphysics - not rational metaphysics of speculation, but the metaphysics of experience. Metaphysics as a way to achieve true being which is characteristic of Russian philosophy, can not be understood without exploring the practical experience of entering into the space of the truth, that, firstly, takes a man to the «place» where you can meet up with the truth, and secondly, transforms the very mind as a way to identify the truth. «Euclidean mind» rebirth and enlightened consciousness of the underground man is not purely a mental task. Russian Silver Age is a movement to the human multidimensionality. Such openness was in antiquity interpreted as a cosmocentrism - binding with the world, when a person truly does exist, dissolving in a cosmic wholeness. This Humanism is the cosmocentric one, destroying individual personality. Renaissance humanism is an anthropocentric, it closes a person on itself and leads to a man’s deification. Such Humanism confirms an individualistic personality. Silver Age is dreaming of a new humanism, a theocentric one, when God, who died in the world, resurrects in a man. This is a rebellion and a resignation of philosophical thought of the Silver Age. It sounds like a temptation and madness both for religious and secular worlds.
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