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Title of the article: Temporal prepositions in Standard Macedonian language
Author(s): GANENKOVA T. S.
Section: Literary Criticism and Philology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 2 (32)
Pages: 113-120
Index UDK: 811.163.3
Index BBK: 81.2
Abstract: The paper investigates temporal prepositions in the Standard Macedonian Language: на, во, околу, за, преку, низ, по, од, до, пред, кон, спроти, мегу, сред, врз, при, со. The choice of the preposition depends on relations between action and Landmark moment L in the time, characteristics of the action and emotions of the speaker. The use of certain prepositions with some units of time is conventional. The prepositions на and во locate action in a time unit. The preposition околу is part of the prepositional phrase with an approximate meaning. The preposition за relates the complement with a planned time meaning; time period meaning (between the moment of speech S and event E in the future); time period that one needs to complete an action; time period one locates an action within. The prepositions преку and низ locate the action in the every moment of the time unit. The preposition по locates the action after L. The preposition од shows that the action starts from L. The prepositions до and пред locate the action before L. If the action ends shortly before L, the preposition кон is used. The preposition спроти locates E on the eve of the holidays or the date. The preposition меѓу locates the actions between two L, and the preposition сред - in the middle of the time period or the process. The preposition врз marks intensive sequence of actions. The preposition при marks the following action.
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