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Title of the article: Mythopoetical and philosophical way of M. Voloshin into a mysterious world of art
Author(s): ZAYATS S. M.
Section: Philosophy and Culturology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 3 (33)
Pages: 104-119
Index UDK: 281.9
Index BBK: 86.372
Abstract: Maximilian Voloshin’s works have been of interest for the readers since they show creation of the unique mythopoetical image formed during the epoch of the Silver Age, when Russian culture lived through peculiar philosophic, theological and artistic Renaissance. Voloshin showed in his works an aspiration of the artist and creator for «the highest reality», where a man can feel involved in divine reality. Voloshin under-stands that true creative process should follow the spark of consciousness. Human civilization was born by the spark of consciousness. Voloshin follows the way from the primary reality of impressionism to symbolism, which is so close to idealism. The artistic world becomes signicant, if there is combination of forms, historical and mystical experience. The artist is considered the creator of new forms, the link between celestial and terrestrial. In religious area the thinker inevitably comes into contact with the mystery, or higher mystery, which was seen by Voloshin as personied in an image. The image is the distinctive feature of the chosen person, able to transform the world and the personality. The image, beauty and the highest simplicity is the way of Voloshin’s aspirations both as the artist and as the original thinker.
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