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Title of the article: Saint Wenceslas’s cult: Czech identity and Christian universality
Author(s): LANCZEVA A. M.
Section: History anf Culture of Slavic World
Year: 2014
Issue: № 3 (33)
Pages: 59-67
Index UDK: 008+930.85
Index BBK: 63.3(2)6-7
Abstract: The cult of the saint Wenceslas was formed during the Middle Ages in the medium of the Xth century and took a special place in the images gallery of medieval saint governors. In the Xth century saint Wenceslas’s cult gradually passed cultural borders of the Czech Republic and was extended to the European universe: in Poland, Silesia, German territory of Sacred Roman Empire, Denmark, Italy, even Great Britain. Since the Middle Ages honoring the saint Wenceslas found reection in the art both at Slavic universal, and at the West European countries: the hagiography, literature, architecture, sculpture, music and the ne arts. The special attention is paid to Czech-Russian relations, separate cultural and religious aspects of honoring penetration of the Czech saint (Vyacheslav in Russian cutural tradition) into Russian culture, which was connected with local process of formation and development of the Borisoglebsk cult in Xth - XIIth centuries. Nowadays the tradition of celebration of the Saint Wenceslas’s day (28 September) is established in the Czech Republic on the state level as a day of Czech statehood.
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