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Title of the article: The Russians in the period of localization in 1920–1930s.
Author(s): BORISENOK E. YU.
Section: History anf Culture of Slavic World
Year: 2014
Issue: № 3 (33)
Pages: 33-41
Index UDK: 94(477)
Index BBK: 63.3
Abstract: During localization period the Republican Party leadership pursued the protectionist policies to Ukrainians. The support of national culture and the fight against Russian chauvinism made it difcult to determine the status of the Russian population in Ukraine. However, to ignore this question was impossible, so Ukrainian and Russian leaders recognized the Russians as a minority and began the allocation of Russian national-territorial units (at first, village councils, and then the regions). Cities were not affected by such measures. The Ukrainian leadership failed to change dramatically the appearance of the cities, because of the very strong original position of Russian culture there, and the struggle against Ukrainian nationalism, which started soon. As a result, Russian, although they were not members of «indigenous local nationalities», nevertheless, continued to play an important role in the social life of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic.
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