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Title of the article: Precious secrets and sacred mysteries of human soul (I. A. Goncharov in ethics disputes of his time)
Author(s): MELNIK V. I.
Section: Literary Criticism and Philology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 3 (33)
Pages: 139-149
Index UDK: 821.161.1
Index BBK: 83.3(2Рос=Рус)1-8 Гончаров И. А.
Abstract: Gogol connected his last and the longest foreign journey with the pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulcher, which he regarded as the most signicant event in his life. He hoped to nd a spiritual basis for his works in the Holy Land. The paper deals with Gogol’s route (Napoli - Malta - Corfu, Smyrna - Rhodes - Beirut - Jerusalem) and one of the most mysterious episodes in the author’s life related to the island of Corfu and the imperishable relics of Saint Spyridon of Trimythous there. The recollection about the night spent by the Empty Tomb remained in Gogol’s mind forever. However, we could conclude from his correspondence (just as the biographers often do) that the pilgrimage did not bear the fruits that he had expected. The undoubted effect of Gogol’s journey to the Holy Land is gaining the genuine humility and brotherly love to the people. From his pilgrimage, he brought the authenticity certicate of the holy reliquiae, with which Deputy of the Jerusalem Patriarchal Throne Metropolitan Meletius blessed him (the paper is quoted in the original spelling). Souvenirs of Gogol’s journey to the sacred places were kept in Vasilyevka, and among them the cypress staff given by the writer to his sister Olga (she never parted from this item), sard crosses, nacreous icons of the Annunciation, owers from Palestine, sanctied Jerusalem soap used to wash the Holy Sepulcher in the night of Easter, and other reliquiae.
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