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Title of the article: The concept of «gender» in Bulgarian language and culture
Author(s): KITANOVA M.
Section: Literary Criticism and Philology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 3 (33)
Pages: 159-168
Index UDK: 811.163.2
Index BBK: 81.2 (4Бол)
Abstract: In this paper the word «gender» is regarded as a semantic eld and the structure, including the concepts that are key to the Bulgarian culture and dene the space of each individual, that is: произход (origin), родители (parents), родство (kinship), роднина (relative), Родина (Motherland). The term of semantic eld, according to the denition of Yu.D. Apresyan, is interpreted as a set of lexical items, united by common meaning and revealing the conceptual or functional similarity. The object of the study is the semantic eld of gender, and the subject of the study is kinship terms, representative for this semantic eld. Article is limited only to the semantic opposition of «my own - a stranger» in kinship terminology, ie, the key concepts, which are characterized by relevant key lexems: род (kin), родство (kinship), роднина (relative), майка (mother), баща (отец) (father), брат (brother), сестра (sister) etc.
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