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Title of the article: On the role of Southern Slavs in the history of Old Russian Chant art (Stoudios Typikon period)
Author(s): POZHIDAEVA G. A.
Section: Theory and History of Art
Year: 2014
Issue: № 3 (33)
Pages: 195-210
Index UDK: 78
Index BBK: 85.318
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to nd out if the so-called «South Slavic inuence» manifested in Church chant art of Old Russia in Stoudios Typikon Period. The term «South Slavic inuence» itself turns out to be inaccurate in relation to Old Russia, since you can only talk about possible Russian-Bulgarian contacts in the early period. The article considers the testimony of the Joakhimov chronicle about the arrival of Bulgarian Metropolitan Michael with singers to Russia. Bulgarian singers are likely to have become the intermediaries in explaining the foundations of Byzantine Church music to the Russian - literature, genres, three types of chant, system of Octoechos, rhythmic system etc. The hypothesis of R. Palikarova-Verdeil about their own Bulgarian chant traditions, established in Ohrid school at the end of IX - the end of X century is not conrmed by the further development of the chant art in Bulgaria. Musical script of Russia and the South Slavic countries are compared on the material of the chant books of the XI-XIV centuries. Comparative study of the manuscript tradition of noted chanting books shows a higher level of development of musical notation in Russia than in Bulgaria and Serbia. This indicates the impossibility of any inuence and excludes the possibility of the leading role of the South Slavs towards the old Russian Church chant.
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