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Title of the article: «Russian traveler of the last century abroad (Autograph letters of Shishkov of 1776-1777)»: features of epistolary «travel»
Author(s): TOPOLOWA O. S.
Section: Literary Criticism and Philology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 4 (34)
Pages: 132-141
Index UDK: 821.161.1
Index BBK: 83.3(4Рос)
Abstract: The article tells about the main features of structural-compositional epistolary «travel» writing in the second half of the XVIII century on the example of «The handwritten letters of A. S. Shishkov in 1776–1777»). Travel writing by A. S. Shishkov belong to the intimate-friendly varieties of informal letters that developed in this period. The formation of new types of writing, such as epistolary «travel», epistolary travel essays and epistolary novels began simultaneously with this process in the second half of XVIII century. The work of A. S. Shishkov combined traditions of three genre systems — autobiographical, travel and epistolary literature, which is reflected in the plot-compositional structure. Landscape descriptions, speech reporting, inserted episodes, lyrical digressions, dialogues, essays of various thematic groups are actively used by A. S. Shishkov, when writing «The Handwritten letters». The purpose of the work is not just to recreate the «alien», foreign life, but to filter everythings he saw through his inner world, and, while interpreting it, to show it to the reader, the intended recipient, in a new light. This contributed to the development of psychological tendencies in the artistic and documentary literature and individual author's styles.
Keywords: autobiographical, travel and epistolary literature, letters, epistolary «travel», structural organization, travel sketch, A. S. Shishkov
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