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Title of the article: Hungarian-Croatian conflict in the reports of Russian diplomats in the early twentieth century
Author(s): KRYUCHKOV I. V.
Section: History anf Culture of Slavic World
Year: 2014
Issue: 31
Pages: 9-17
Index UDK: 94(4)
Index BBK: 63.3
Abstract: In the 1910es, Russian diplomats working in the Kingdom of Hungary dis- agreed in their judgements of the Croatian opposition activities. Those in the Gen- eral Consulate in Budapest took a negative approach to the plans of Croats to claim their national equality with the Austrians and Hungarians (known as Trialism). Consul General M. Priklonsky believed that the most favourable for Russia scenario might be paradoxically the conservation of the Dualism, when non-Magyars and non-Germans felt deprived and supressed. On the contrary, the staff of the Consulate in Fiume (Rieka), who witnessed the processes of rapprochement among the Southern Slavs, viewed the political programmes of the Croats aimed against Hungarians and Germans as pos- sibly useful to Russia’s interests. The political system of Dualism of 1867 remained in their eyes the main obstacle in the way of free development of the Monarchy’s peoples, the diplomats insisted that the existing constitutional system of Austria-Hungary should be revised thoroughly.
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