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Title of the article: «The party couldn`t afford to abuse the terrorists»: political terror in an assessment of Cadet party during revolution of 1905-1907
Author(s): PORTNYAGINA N. A.
Section: History anf Culture of Slavic World
Year: 2014
Issue: №1 (31)
Pages: 30-37
Index UDK: 94(47).083
Index BBK: 63.3
Abstract: In the second half of the XIX century Russia moving on the way of moderni- zation faced new challenge - political terror. It became a big problem of the Russian society, especially during the revolution of 1905-1907. We will observe how the left liberals of Russia answered to terror calls. The research is done on the example of one of the most influential parties of Russia - Constitutional Democratic Party - and is based on the materials of the periodical press, verbatim records of the First and Second State Duma and other sources. This problem practically isn’t investigated in a domestic historiography; meanwhile its studying is extremely important for understanding of features of the Russian liberalism and processes of political modernization of Russia at the beginnings of the XX century. The attitude of Cadets to terror was defined by their desire to force the Governments into the concessions and to create a parliamentary monarchy in Russia. They didn’t condemn terror neither in the First, nor in the Second State Dumas, the Cadet press held the Government responsible for the terror. It criti- cized the violence and tyranny of the Government in relation to the population which it called «the right terror». The relation of Cadets to terror shows that the left liberals of Russia pretending to be new leaders of modernization processes in the country thought it possible to justify the violence, if it, in their opinion, promoted achievement of the purpose. The use of such tactics didn’t strengthen the constitutional system.
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