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Title of the article: The combination of different types of language play as a peculiarityof the communicative space in advertising
Author(s): AMIRI L. P.
Section: Literary Criticism and Philology
Year: 2014
Issue: №1 (31)
Pages: 108-117
Index UDK: 81’42:659.1
Index BBK: 81
Abstract: The guiding principle adopted by advertisers in creating any advertisement is always to expand the internal content of the text by conveying maximum mean- ing through a minimal quantity of text. Incorporating the techniques of language play enables them to achieve this goal through the exploitation of the linguistic potential of the language system. The aim of the article is to demonstrate the combinatorial nature of language play as a unique linguistic device within the framework of an advertising text. The article focuses on the multiple layers of language play through the analysis of a particular advertising text as a play phenomenon. Multiple layers come into effect when the creators of a text combine various aspects of language play from the following areas: phonetics, morphology, orthography, word formation, lexicon, play on intertex- tuality. Eleven different combinations of language play are illustrated. It is precisely because of the ability to combine language play on these different levels that the adver- tising text can communicate its message simultaneously on several levels.
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