Title of the article: | The metaphysical aspects of aesthetic experience |
Author(s): | BYCHKOV V. V. MANKOVSKAYA N. B. |
Section: | Theory and History of Art |
Year: | 2015 |
Issue: | № 1, (35) |
Pages: | 161-176 |
Index UDK: | 7.011 |
Index BBK: | 85.03+87.8 |
Abstract: | The notion of «aesthetic experience» marks a type of experience when the human being penetrates the spheres of spiritual existence that cannot be reached using the methods of formal logic or natural sciences. This category is used in two meanings that are tightly linked. It means: a) «skills», or one’s «technique» of perceiving aesthetic values, in particular aesthetic experience, as well as the non-verbalizable «knowledge» that the aesthetic subject acquires in the process of his or her artistic-aesthetic upbringing; b) a concrete process, or an instance of aesthetic activity (perceptive or creative), which takes place hic et nunc (at the concrete instant of perception or artistic creation); this process is in principle impossible without and apart from the former component of aesthetic experience (a), i.e., the subjective, genetically given and accumulated «knowledge», «skill», and taste. Aesthetic experience can be conceptualized also as the totality of non-utilitarian intuitive relationships between the subject and reality, which have a contemplative, playful, expressive, representational, decorative, etc., nature. Ultimately, aesthetic experience helps the human being acquire his or her place in the Universe, to feel an organic part of Nature, which does not merge with it, but possesses its personal character and freedom in the general structure of being. Aesthetic experience helps one achieve harmony with himself or herself, in particular, to harmonize one’s sensory and spiritual intentions with society, Nature, and the Universe in general. |
Bibliography: | 1 Bychkov V. V. Estetika [Aesthetics]. Moscow, KnoRus Publ., 2012. 528 p. 2 Bychkov V. V. Esteticheskaya aura bytiya: Sovremennaya estetika kak nauka i filosofia iskusstva [Aesthetic Aura of Being: Contemporary Aesthetics as Science and Philosophy of Art]. Moscow, MBA Publ., 2010. 784 p. 3 Bychkov V. V., Mankovskaya N. B, Ivanov V. V. Trialog: Zhivaya estetika i sovremannaya filosofia iskusstva [Trialog: Living Aesthetics and Contemporary Philosophy of Art]. Moscow, Progress-Traditsia Publ., 2012. 840 p., il. 4 Bychkov V. V., Mankovskaya N. B, Ivanov V. V. Trialog Plus [Trialog plus]. Moscow, Progress-Traditsia Publ., 2013. 496 p., il. 5 Mankovskaya N. B. Fenomen postmodernisma: Hudojestvenno-esteticheskiy rakurs [Phenomenon of Postmodernism: Artistic-Aesthetic Aspect]. Moscow, St. Peterburg, Unisversitetskaya Kniga Publ., 2009. 495 p. 6 Dewey D. Art as Experience. New York, Minton, Balch and Co. Publ., 1934. 7 Dewey D. Experience and Nature. Chiсаgo: Open Court Publishing Co. Publ., 1925. 8 Dufrenne M. Esthétique et philosophie. Paris, Klincksieck Publ., 1967. 9 Dufrenne M. Phénoménologie de l’expérience esthétique. Paris, PUF Publ., 1967. |
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