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Title of the article: Russia and Danubian principalities in 1674
Author(s): FLOREA B. N.
Section: Historical Sciences and Archeology
Year: 2015
Issue: № 1, (35)
Pages: 122-129
Index UDK: 94(4)
Index BBK: 63.3
Abstract: This paper is devoted to the culture of diplomatic relations between Russia and the Danubian principalities. The article contains a detailed analysis of the projects for the emancipation of Moldavia and Wallachia by the Turkish authorities with the help of Russia. A detailed analysis of the negotiations on both sides on the basis of sources, including archives, is given. Particular attention is paid to «Lithuanian project» of electing Russian prince, the son of Alexey Mikhailovich, the King of Rzeczpospolita, that would strengthen Russia's in the entire region and would contribute to a more effective resistance against Ottoman aggression. The Moldovan Embassy in Moscow headed by the abbot Fedor is analyzed. The talks in Moscow in 1674 were of great importance for Russia's foreign policy. The paper covers the situation of Moldova and Wallachia immigrants in the Rzeczpospolita. The success of Russian army in the campaign of 1674 beyond Dnieper, after which the Right Bank population again obeyed the Tsar, made the establishment of Russian-Moldovan border a real possibility. However, as the result of Turkish military victories in 1674 this plan wasn’t realized. Nevertheless, according to the politicians of the Principalities, there was a historical perspective of a successful war of Russia against Turkey, which could make it possible for Wallachia, Moldavia, Serbia and Ukraine to become the part of Russia. It would save the people of these countries from the power or of the Muslim Ottomans.
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